How to Create Online Community with SocialGlow Groups
Want a way to ensure all your posts reach every member of your online group?
We talked about how SocialGlow Events can meet your needs for hosting Online Events and building Online Communities.
Now we’re diving into all the possibilities of SocialGlow Groups!
In a nutshell, a SocialGlow Group has all the easy and convenient features you love about Events, including the ability to schedule posts to keep your content rolling.
The main difference is that there are no end dates when creating a Group. So it’s basically a virtual room to house your on-going content for your people. They can still interact like usual, and you can assign Co-Hosts to allow them to also post in the Group.
Here are some of our favorite ideas to get you started, , but first check out this video to learn how easy it is to create your first Group on SocialGlow!
6 Ways to Use Groups on SocialGlow
There are so many ways you can customize your virtual rooms as individual Groups.
Plus, with the new SocialGlow Mobile App, it's even easier for Group Members to stay up-to-date on everything that's happening in your communities.
Customer VIP Groups
Create a fun, safe place for your customers to browse through your newest product info, or get to know you better with fun games and prizes!
Keep your website link always available at the top of the Group in a handy button and include Calendar Items for upcoming fun.
This is a perfect place to keep them informed on pop-up sales and giveaways.

Drop a video of yourself with new items or just to say, “Hey!”
Brag on your amazing hostesses, and welcome new customers who are loving your services.
Cultivate those connections with meaningful posts.
Personal Team Members
As your Team grows, you need a place to keep everyone on the same page, so create a group for them!
This is where they can encourage each other as you share new training and product info.
Discuss anything that will help your newbies out, and schedule those handy posts about hosting SocialGlow Events and what are the best posts to include for their guests.
Remember to reach out in the Chatbox too!

Post those meeting notes, new company info, and team challenges to keep your tribe on their toes as they crush their goals!
Unit or Downline Team Members
You might be beyond growing your personal team, as your team members are now having their own teams!
There's some info that is just too overwhelming for newcomers and you might reserve that for your own personal team. But this is a great opportunity to introduce yourself to them and offer advice and tips as they get to know the community. Your own team members will appreciate this opportunity to learn how to lead their newbies by your example and ideas.
Remember to add Co-Hosts to this group, to lean on the strengths of new growing leaders.

Seasonal or Annual Activities
We don’t need to say how HUGE the holiday season can be to grow your business! So why not create a SocialGlow Group for that?!
Keep the focus on just one particular holiday, season, product launch, or really any annual activity that gets lots of excitement and attention!
Keep the connections real with members as they join to stay informed and look for ways to apply it to their own lives this year. Since the Group will be open for as long as you choose, members can return to find that particular product info at any time.
Having a Group for on-going fundraising opportunities is a super idea, too!
Not only will members be notified when you add Calendar Items, but they will know where to go for important info on this activity.

Topic Specific Community
This is probably the most fun idea ever for a SocialGlow Group!
Start a community that loves a particular topic like recipes, all sorts of styling ideas, tutorials and DIY’s, pets, kids, cleaning, the list goes on! Keep is simple and fun and post anything you can think of or want to share that members would enjoy.
Or focus on a more specific area such as mom life, tips for teachers, healthy eating, traveling with kids, etc. Team up with other business owners in different niches (topics) and make them Co-hosts so they can share some valuable content for this community, too.

Do you love encouraging others to become their better selves? Or need some accountability? Create a Group for that, too!
Perhaps your new customers are struggling to get the hang of using some products. Try creating a 21 Day Challenge/Accountability Group to post helpful and encouraging content.
Take it a step further and run a class or training on how to use your products in ways that will improve their lives.
The beauty about Groups like these, is the ability to bring incredible value for your members to return to over and over!
Literally Anything Else!
Think outside the box and get the very most from your SocialGlow account. Create Groups for different branches of your family, friends from all walks of life, church and other organizations, school/classes, study groups, etc.
Keep in touch with the people that mean the most to you!